Praying together unleashes the power of God
Acts 4:23-28 The Believers Pray for Courage 23 As soon as they were freed, Peter and John returned to the other believers and told them...
Prayer,worship and the word
What is it that you think of when you hear the intimacy? It’s a word loaded with meaning in today’s society, but a brief dictionary...
Intimacy with God
The intimacy that draws us in, is the same that sends us out!!! Getting in… The bible says that a new way was created by the blood of...
What have you got in your hand?
This is the question that God asks a stuttering Moses when they meet at the Burning Bush. This story shows us that God is happy to use...
Essential Habits
Habits. We all have them. Some are good, others bad, but most are such a part of our everyday rhythm that we barely even notice them