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What will Christmas be like for you?

The "home alone" film where a young boy was left on his own by accident for a few days had a happy ending but for many this winter, there will not be the same happily ever after and they may be “home alone”, feeling incredibly remote and isolated.

Typically, Christmas is a season, which is marked by friends and family, and coming together can heighten feelings of bereavement, isolation and loneliness. Even if we are surrounded by friends and family it can still leave those struggling with depression, feeling empty, distressed and alone. Loneliness and isolation can have a massive impact on our quality of life, making us feel more stressed, lowering our self esteem and having a negative impact on our overall wellbeing.

We all wish that like Kevin in the film Home Alone, we could wake up to a house full of our family and friends who accept us for who we are, however a solution to loneliness isn’t always that straight forward. But it is important to remember you are not alone in feeling like this - it is not uncommon at this time of year. For the many that are suffering with loneliness this season, the Hub Church want to say "we love you" and care for you as a member of our community.

You are more than welcome to come along on Sunday', but more than that, if you would like one of our pastoral team to pay you a visit or telephone you for a chat any time, please let us know by emailing us on ; or telephone 07788612398.

In addition, we are here all year round and not just at Christmas. As a church thinking of this season that heralded the Saviour 2000 years ago, coming into our world to bring peace and joy; we pray that you will experience the peace and joy that only comes from knowing Jesus.

A happy Christmas to all!

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