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It is well......

It is Well, with my Soul

It is true, we live in a world full of stress!

Whatever life style you live; whether you are young, with the pressure of school or college, parents breathing down your neck for results and good behaviour. If you are single, you feel the pressure to do well in your job and find a partner. If you are a young family, young kids keeping you awake at night, working late, keeping home. Or if you are middle aged, pressures of family, worrying about retirement.

Wherever you are on life’s journey, one thing never changes, and that is God. Paul explains in Romans 7 v 15-20 the mental battle that we all go through.

That is, on one hand I am in the middle of all this turmoil of life, and on the other, I live in the peace of God!

How can I win the battle of my mind and truly say IT IS WELL, WITH MY SOUL?

Many scriptures tell me that I can:

James 1 v 2-4 tells me to “consider it all joy” when I encounter trouble, because it produces endurance in my Christian life.

Philippians 4 v 6-7 Tells me to replace anxiousness with prayer, supplication and most of all thanksgiving.

Try thanking God for all He HAS done during times of trouble.

Hebrews 13 v 15 Talks about ‘continually offering up a sacrifice of praise to God’ I can testify to this many times in my walk with God, in some of my darkest times, it is a sacrifice to praise and sing to God, but I assure you it brings peace over your life.

1 Cor 13 v 12 Tells us that we see only a fraction of what is to come when we are with Jesus, so we don’t have all the fact right now, so life needs to be based on faith in God and his promises for the life to come.

So, life is tough, I have never met anyone who has breezed through life without problems. Don’t think money will help you either, just look at Amy Winehouse, or any of the many famous people that have troubles despite their fame and fortune.

Nothing on this earth satisfies my soul like Jesus…so


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