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I Have A Dream!

I have a dream!

I dream of a church full of authentic disciples who are devoted to God in true worship and loving others with sincerity; Where there is Holy Spirit life oozing out of all our lives. Where devotion to God is expressed in everyday life and not just on Sundays. Where broken lives are being fixed and redeemed by the gospel of Jesus Christ.

This Spirit life is in the Hub Church, which from its small beginnings has seen many souls saved. Following this last Sunday’s launch, I believe there are even better days ahead. If you have a passion for the Kingdom and seeing lives saved, there will be plenty of opportunity to get involved.

Jesus once said

“but new wine must be put into new wine skins, and both are preserved. And no one, having drunk old wine, immediately desires new; for he says, “the old is better” Luke 5:38

Most of the time we struggle with change because we become familiar and comfortable with the way things are. This is often at the expense of progress as we hold onto something that was once good, but is now obsolete or ineffective.

Many of the Jews during Jesus time on earth missed out because they were holding onto the old Law and practices at the expenses of knowing the promised Messiah!

In the past season, the Hub has loved and discipled people from the place of a good heart for the Kingdom. It has been a great journey thus far, but now the Holy Spirit has indicated that we should prepare for his greater work at the Hub church by being less organic in our approach and more organised by putting in place a process for those being saved and those wanting to go onto maturity and fruitfulness within the local church. A new wine skin! A new journey of faith!

Come and join us in the coming weeks (starting 18th September) and hear what the Lord has planned and how we are preparing the new wine skin for a greater harvest.

Pastor Tony Hickman

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